Monday, January 27, 2014

Some high lights from the BOD Meeting 01/25/2014

  The WTA and the Homegrounds RV park have hired Dennis Taylor as the manager of both entities.  The temp. date for his three year contract to start is Feb.  Dennis will need to resign from the WTA BOD to eliminate anyone from calling conflict of interest.
  This years inductees into the Wisconsin Trapshooters Hall of Fame will be Mr. Don Mittag.  Don had been approved for induction last year.  Due to rules that say only two can be inducted in one year he had to wait until this year to be formally inducted.  The second inductee is Mr. Bruce Stiteley.  Induction ceremonies will be at the annual fund raising banquette Sat. July 19 to be held at Arrowhead lodge.  The place may change if the learning and training center is finished to a point where we can get a occupancy permit.

  There will be three food vendors this year.  One will be from the Rome library with help from two church groups.  The next is two American legion posts, and the third will be Jim's BBQ.

  We are taking bids on the storage shed construction and also on the main building.  For details contact Dennis Taylor. So any contractors out there that might be interested please contact either myself or Dennis Taylor.  We will be looking for all kinds of construction work to be done.  If at all possible we would like to give the work to members of the WTA.  Let us know who you are and if you would be interested in working with us.  When we send out bid packages we will be more than happy to include you in the mailing.

  The minutes of the meeting should be coming out in about 10 days.  Watch the web site.

  As always if you have any questions please contact one of your directors or me directly.  Our contact information is also on our web site.

  Thanks for your support.

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