Monday, June 16, 2014

Great news and some not so great news

First the GREAT.  Thistle Fritz just told me that Tim Curtin was working on the roof of the shower house.  This great because as soon as the shower house is complete and inspected we can open the campgrounds.  The other part of the GREAT news is that Tim's wife's is doing well from what I understand.

The not so great news.  Over the weekend there were 3 directors and 1 non-director there for the work weekend.  Boy that sure says alot about the other 1400 or so members.  Remember this is your club and RV center.  Dennis Taylor and YOUR WTA needs your help.  There is a lot to do before the State shoot.  If you can spare some time give Denny a call at 715 310 0380.  That way in case he isn't there he can give you a idea of what needs to be done the most.  Again we really need your help.  Last year we had thirty some people at the work weekend.  Just because we made it through the State shoot last year doesn't mean there isn't anything else that needs to be done.  So please help out again this year.  Every weekend is a work weekend from now till the end of the State shoot.
