Now that the zone shoots are over the dust has cleared and the Directors that will be working hard for YOU in your zones are. In the SE Gary Fechter was unopposed and will be your director. In the SW your new director is Jerry Farnsworth. In the NW Pres. Bruce Stiteley will be working hard for the shooters in the wonderful state of Wisconsin. And in the NE zone Vice Pres. Bill Simonar will be representing you again for the next two years.
Just for you information the terms of each director is two years. Each year one director from each zone is elected. That way only one director of the two in each zone is voted on. The terms end on the last day of each State shoot.
Also it is not too early to start thinking about next year. In the SE Zone someone will need to step up and run for director. The director up for election next year will not be running for another term. So everyone start talking and if you think you know someone that would make a good director talk to them and see if they would like to give it a try. If you or anyone has a question on the position just give me a call.