Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Home grounds Progress report 10/9/12

This is my first try at posting on the WTA Blog.  These are pictures (I hope) from last weekend at the home grounds.  I am not sure if I can title the pictures but they are mainly from the parking area behind trap 9.  There is a drainage area behind (South) the parking lot.  With the soil we have there I doubt there will ever be anything in there but it is required.  The grading that is being done now is the trap line and parking and the area where the main building is going to be.  The campgrounds will be last due to the amount of sewer, water and electrical trenching that needs to be done first.

Ok the top picture is about trap 9 looking east.  The light area is the drainage pond.  The next picture is about the same area looking west.  Just beyond the trees is the main parking area and the main entrance.  Next I believe is just further east and looking west.  The last picture, again I believe is the mail entrance coming in from Akron.
As I said I will try to get some more pictures in the next week.  As I won't be where I can use my computer to work on adding pictures it may take another week or two to get them posted.  They may even include some concrete.  They are supposed to start on the walk ways this week.  Well here goooo's