Sunday, August 3, 2014

THE Wisconsin tent at the Grand

Let's take a step forward so we can go back to a part of the past.

On Wednesday Aug13th Fritz Thistle has arranged to have a tent put up at the Grand.  And this year Fritz is footing the bill for the tent.  It will have a nice Wisconsin banner thanks to the fine people at the Wi. visitor and tourism Dept.   It will be in the big parking area on the West end of tent vendors.  Right near the target shed.  With the help of MEC, Kolar, and Recob's target shop Fritz has arranged not only for the tent but food.  Hoping to get things going around 5:00pm.  Bring your own chair, refreshments and memories of Grands gone by.  When it was at Vandalia we the shooters of the great state of Wisconsin always had a tent and would gather there during the week and on a particular night we would all get together to eat and just hang out together.  It would be great if this wonderful evening could be started once again at the new Grand at Sparta.  Another tradition was a group picture.  It would be wonderful if this to could be done again.

So please plan on attending.  It will be a wonder evening and something some of you newer (the last ten or twelve years) shooters will hopefully remember for along time like some of us older shooters.

Remember your chairs and drinks.  Non alcoholic if you are in a shoot off.  Hopefully a lot of  us will be drinking soft drinks a week from this Wednesday Aug. 13th.

Any questions call me.
Don Mittag
262 470 2708